Kaden is now 8 months old. As you can see, he's totally adorable and is healing extremely well from lip repair surgery.
He continues to be a happy and easygoing baby, though from time to time he does show a tendency towards willfulness (he is absolutely his mother's son). Let's just say that Kaden doesn't love being bottle fed formula. We're really looking forward to the day we can retire the Haberman bottle and feed him only solid foods.
We're now about 4 months away from palate repair surgery and facing a few more challenges than initially expected. Unfortunately, Kaden was recently diagnosed with scoliosis of the thoracic spine. Although it's not yet clear what that means for Kaden's long term development, in the short term it's contributed to gross motor delays. He hasn't yet hit milestones like sitting up on his own but the good news is that he'll be receiving regular physical therapy starting in March. With physical therapy and his tough little spirit, we're sure he'll be sitting up and crawling in no time.
The other good news is that, aside from a few stomach woes, Kaden has remained extremely healthy throughout this long cold winter. Thank God!