It's been a busy summer full of sun and smiles. As usual, I'm exhausted from trying to keep up with my two exuberant little angels.
For Kaden, this will go down as the summer of the iPad. It's an amazing tool for special needs kids and man, oh, man does he love it! We were passing an Apple store recently and decided not to take Kaden inside -- his eyes would have probably popped clean out of his head had he seen a whole store full of iPhones and iPads. Alas, my sweet boy, you'll get the joy of discovering that little treasure some other day in the future.
Kaden's other great passion this summer is books. He's growing a nice collection, probably about 25 titles. So far they're mostly Sandra Boynton books but he's beginning to step a few toes into the wonderful world of Dr. Seuss. It's so adorable the way he hands me the books to read and gives me the same coy "just this one" smile even when it's the millionth time he's handed me a book that day. And I think he's got half of them memorized! His latest trick is to bring books to me when I have my hands full feeding Sydney and when I tell him I can't read it because I'm feeding the baby he spreads the book out in front of me and turns the pages (appropriately) as I recite the words from memory. He's so totally awesome and he fills my heart with joy every single day.
Here he is perusing some books . . .
Working hard in speech therapy . . . (I snapped this pic through an observation window so the quality isn't the best)

For Sydney, this will go down as a summer of many firsts, like rolling over. I didn't manage to get a picture of her first rolls but I did catch her trying to escape her crib. I think it's time I put on the bumper.
Her latest new friend is Sophie, a rubber giraffe that goes everywhere with her. Really, Sydney cries for Sophie if she's not around. It's very cute. Soon I'm gonna have to teach her that it's not okay to bite your friends' ears or legs but, for now, well, Sophie doesn't mind . . .