These are my two very favorite people. It's taken a while for me to get pictures of them together because big brother was previously unwilling to hang out with little sister long enough for photo-opps, but we're getting there. And, oh, they are an adorable pair!

Kaden's getting more comfortable with the concept of sharing. It's a good thing because Sydney's no shrinking violet and she's certainly not about to let anybody play anything without her.

They're even strolling together now. It kind of looks like he's giving her the cold shoulder in the picture below, but I think it was really just the rigidity of his cast making him sit that way.

Speaking of casts, Kaden got his second serial cast of his torso on Halloween. I'm so happy and relieved to report that everything went smoothly this time around. We were in and out of the hospital within a matter of hours and Kaden didn't have any throat or breathing problems coming out of anesthesia. And best of all, he got right back to his old self as soon as we brought him home. Hallelujah!

Since Kaden was in the hospital for much of Halloween, we skipped a lot of the festivities. But we couldn't let Sydney's first Halloween pass without some sort of observance. She helped us give out candy to neighborhood kids in her special Halloween PJs and tutu. My sweet precious girl.
That's all we've got for now. Until next time, WE'RE OFF to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.