We're having a surprisingly beautiful run of warm weather and Kaden and I took the opportunity to have a very special picnic in the park between therapy sessions.
Just me and the sweetest little boy on earth. Heaven.

It was especially wonderful because Kaden's just now recovering from a sinus infection, cold and croup. It's been a rough couple of weeks but he finally seems to have gotten back on track.
Back at home, the little princess is recovering from a cold of her own. That doesn't stop her from wanting to play with Kaden though, not one bit. Here they are perusing some books, trying to decide which one mommy should read to them first.
And here they are playing Kaden's new favorite game: Tea Party! Sydney got a tea party set for her birthday and she likes it, but Kaden, he LOVES it! It's a pretty big step for a boy who's never been into pretend play. So we'll have tea parties. Everyday. Many times a day . . .
And they'll all be great days.